Carbon Credits, InfiniteEARTH and REDD+

What are
Carbon Credits?

A carbon credit (often called a carbon offset) is a financial instrument that represents a tonne of CO2 (carbon dioxide) or CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent) gases.

These credits are generated by either reducing or removing emissions from the atmosphere (via sequestration and tree planting activities, often performed by Conservation Land Banks like InfiniteEARTH’s Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve) or by reducing future Co2 or Co2e emissions with the development of renewable energy and other sustainability projects that displace manufacturing and industrial activities which consume fossil fuels.

Governments, industry and even ordinary individuals may use these credits to satisfy Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) objectives, or to achieve a ‘neutral footprint’ by offsetting the damaging carbon emissions they generate in their daily activities

“Neutral” and “Sustainable” are simply not enough.

We would never use these terms to describe our product, our company, our brand or our stock price, let alone to describe our aspiration for our children’s futures. And yet, they are often tendered as acceptable benchmarks of success in the race to save the planet.

Doing “just Enough” to save our planet ensures we will never succeed in our task.

A REDD carbon credit is a carbon market mechanism created to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries, where the destruction of High Conservation Value (HCV) forests occurs at an alarming rate of 1 acre per minute.

REDD stands for ‘Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation’. The ‘+‘ signifies ‘Conservation & Sustainable Development’.

REDD+ projects pursue long-term strategies for addressing the underlying causes of deforestation and degradation . They consider the needs of business, society and the environment together, striking a sustainable balance that does not put the developing world’s right for economic growth at odds with our collective need to protect our planet’s fragile ecosystem.

Projects associated with REDD+ ensure that forest-dependent communities can fully — and fairly — benefit from conservation.

What are
Carbon Credits?

REDD+ Is InfiniteEARTH’s Success Story

InfiniteEARTH developed the world’s first REDD+ methodology and is the original project developer of the Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve, the first REDD+ project to be validated under the VCS/CCB standards and the first REDD+ project ever to be awarded the CCB Triple Gold Status.

VCS Verified Carbon Standard Logo - Reversed
CCB Triple Gold Logo - Reserved

InfiniteEARTH REDD+ carbon credits address the need for carbon emission mitigation while offering a full spectrum of sustainable benefits:

Practical, Realistic Solutions

Our current global population 6.5 billion will double to 13 billion by the end of 2090, all in the span of one person’s lifetime.  And, with nearly 4 billion people in the developing world moving from subsistence to mass consumerism, it is unrealistic to think we can slow the rate of global consumption, let alone reduce it.

while we agree wholeheartedly with reduction efforts, we believe that, in the absence of immediate viable solutions, we should at least attempt to offset what we cannot reduce.  To that end, we’ve challenged ourselves to focus on solutions that replace more than we have taken and the produce immediate results TODAY.

Sustainable Forest Management

REDD+ projects pursue long-term strategies for addressing the underlying causes of deforestation and degradation. Such long-term programs include producing fuel efficient cook-stoves, development of bio-efficient farming systems and other strategies for the sustainable management of existing forest stocks.

Enhancement of Native Carbon Stocks

Programs to maximize carbon preservation levels include reforestation of degraded areas with native cash crop species and other strategies aimed at enhancing existing natural forest stocks and its sustainable use and management by local communities.

Community Development

InfiniteEARTH’s Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve funds a number of programs, many staffed by local villagers, including delivering access to clean water, health-for-conservation exchanges, early childhood education, a community staff Park & Fire Ranger service and micro-credit programs.

Wildlife Conservation

The Tropical Peat Swamp Forests of Rimba Raya, our Conservation and Biodiversity Bank in Borneo, are one of the few remaining natural habitats of the endangered orangutan, which is listed on the IUCN Red List of Endangered Species. The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve creates a buffer between the palm oil industry and the Tanjung Puting National Park, home to one of the last remaining wild populations of orangutans on earth.


“REDD Addresses So Much More Than Carbon…”

Todd Lemons, CEO of InfiniteEARTH, addressing The World Climate Summit in Cancun Mexico, 2010

The promise of REDD+ is  to remove the unsustainable “subsidies” that we currently enjoy on environmental services and to provide economically viable alternatives to the conversion of biodiverse forests.

See a REDD+ Project In Action.

Visit The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve, our flagship conservation and biodiversity project.

Interested To Learn More About Us?

Review the philosophy, social enterprise and purpose of InfiniteEARTH.


REDD+ Credits Are An Obvious Choice

Contact InfiniteEARTH to discuss how your organization can benefit from REDD+ Carbon Credits, which address the underlying causes of deforestation.